Fanny Posselt
Social Entrepreneur

As my final exam project at The Kaospilots*, I had the idea of taking the Hotdog stand on a well-deserved vacation around Europe with the purpose of supporting overlooked children’s wards at Skejby hospital. 

The project was a great success and this made me invest in a classic Danish hotdog stand. Since 2003 and until 2023 we have been to 20 countries inspiring and creating positive social change to neglected children and their families.

Since 2003 I have been self-employed with the World’s most travelled Hotdog stand as focal point. I also do lectures, teaching, process- and project management. 

Check the book I wrote about my adventures with the World’s most travelled Hotdog stand – in Danish.

My key competencies are project-, process- and business design.

*The Kaospilots have educated entrepreneurs, change agents and leaders with a creative twist and a global mind-set for more than 30 years.