In 2010 World’s most travelled Hotdog stand visited the Kalahari Desert, South Africa, for the first time. This was on our trip to Cape Town during the World Championship in football. The purpose was to create positive social change to the people of the Kalahari Desert. Based on the local people’s dreams and needs, we held a workshop for a month in 2011, called BIG LIFT, which focused on starting micro businesses and creating sustainable solution for the local nursery. Because of the BIG LIFT workshop 9 businesses involving 12 locals were booted.
Afterwards we have followed up by phone and visits in 2012 and 2013 in order to boost the businesses and their owners. From 2014 to 2018 we have hired a local woman, Charmaine Fourie, as our Xtended Arm to follow up on monthly basis and to secure the use of the provided funds. From 2018 one of the micro business owners, Aunt Koera, who owns a farm kitchen, is our Xtended Arm.
In 2017 Fanny Posselt herself returned to the Kalihari Desert to boost the businesses, and this time accompanied by 13 business women from Zonta Aarhus II, Denmark.

- The women have learned how to run a business and how to manage it.
- The women are able to earn their money in a place, where there are very few jobs available and women are uneducated.
- The women are role models and sometimes create jobs for others.
- Several of the women have supported the local nursery.
- About 30 women and their families are affected and thereby strengthened by our yearlong effort. This makes a huge difference to the women, their families and the community.
Listen to Chrizelda telling about her life and experiences with starting a business in Kalahari.
Chrizelda has a Take Away, which she started after the workshop in 2011.
She uses her income on food and expenses for her children’s school.
Her goal is to work full time with the business and thereby earn more money.

- The money from our collections and Cool Dogs have also been used for a youth camp.
- We have payed for the education of 4 young people for a year and for the young Bushman Jurie in the period from 2010-2017.
- He has been dreaming of becoming a lawyer, president and running his own business.
- Jurie has just finished his education as “Tracker” and he can now work in an area with safari tourism. He has taken drivers and firearm license to increase his opportunity to get a job.
- In 2010 we supported the local nursery school with the sum of about 30.000 DKK.
- The women with micro businesses help the nursery school with their labour.
- The LEGO Foundation has contributed with LEGO Charity Boxes for the children’s playing,

Watch the video about our social efforts in the Kalahari Desert
Competence training with the owners of the micro businesses.
Visit at Jurie’s, whoes education and costs of living we support.
Visit at the nursery school.
Update 2018
We’ve kickstarted 8 of the micro businesses using 7000 DKK. Aunt Koera, who is one of the business owners we have supported since 2010, is our new Xtended Arm. She has spent her fee on a new refrigerator and a smartphone and I coach and advise her regularly. A Kalahari Mall is on the drawing board in order to lift the micro businesses. All of this to give their children better conditions.
We took him under our wings in 2010 and this year he received money for a new phone once again. Because of his education as a tracker, he needs to be available. I’m in contact with him partly to cheer him up, encourage him and support his positive trajectory – which is caused by our support.